Device Support for Google Chromebook

These ChromeOS operating systems and corresponding Test-Correct app versions are supported.

Support for Chromebook ChromeOS operating system

If support for an operating system (OS) or app version is listed as 'expired' in the table below, Test-Correct can not guarantee the correct functioning of Test-Correct or the Test-Correct App. It is possible that an older version remains functional but we strongly advice to update the OS or App to it's latest version as soon as possible.

We  support the most recent ChromeOS version. This means that we can only provide support for a Chromebook as long as it has not yet passed Google’s Auto Update Expiration (AUE) date.
Click here here for more information about how to find the Auto Update Expiration date of  your Chromebook.

Supported Chromebook ChromeOS Test-Correct app versions

If the support of an app version is set to 'expired' in the table below, this version can no longer be used for taking tests within the Test-Correct app. We will inform you when an app version is about to expire/has expired within the app.

Downloading the Google Chromebook Test-Correct app

You can download the Google Chromebook Test-Correct app through the Chromestore. Visit the  download-page of Test-Correct for a direct link.


Attention! As of June 15th, 2022 Google will stop it's support of ChromeOS app's. We are investigating the best course of action for ChromeOS users, and shall inform you in due time about an alternative.